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What’s in Your Mouth?

By: Barry Nembhard Smoking cigarettes kills 500,000 people every single year while making $900 billion profit for an industry that purposefully conceals the dangers of their toxic addictive products.

The Tobacco Plant Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) has been cultivated for over 12,000 years. It was originally used by Native Americans as a multi-purpose medicine for treating wounds, pain and toothache, and as a sacrament in spiritual ceremonies.

  • In 1492, Christopher Columbus was gifted dried tobacco leaves from the Native Americans.

  • Columbus took tobacco back to Europe and by 1531 it was being cultivated there.

  • In the 17th century, tobacco was used as a monetary standard for trading in Europe.

  • By the 18th-century tobacco smoking was popular and the industry flourished.

  • During World War 1 and 2 cigarette popularity increased significantly, due to mass marketing.

  • Machines producing 200 cigarettes per minute made smoking ‘affordable’ – but at what cost?

Early Warning Signs The health hazards of smoking were first identified in 1602. Respiratory illness impacting chimney sweepers exposed to industrial soot were also seen in smokers. In the 1790s, physicians reported cancers of the lips and other dangers, but smoking had already become fashionable. The first medical investigation linking smoking with lung cancer was published in 1920, but this alarming news was downplayed by the (tobacco industry-sponsored) media. In the second half of the 20th century, the popularity of smoking finally began to decline as its dangers could no longer be hidden.

Industry Foul Play In 2006, the major tobacco companies were found guilty on charges of organized criminal activity. Tobacco companies had purposely deceived the public for over 50 years, by:

  • Actively hiding and suppressing research data proving that nicotine is addictive.

  • Marketing cigarettes to people under the legal age and grooming them to become smokers.

  • Designing deliberately ineffective youth smoking prevention programs.

  • Denying that secondhand smoke is harmful to other people.

  • Marketing light or low tar cigarettes as a healthier alternative (they’re not.)

  • Knowing that smoking causes a huge healthcare issue and putting profit first.

The tobacco companies fought this verdict hard, so it took 10 years for the ruling to have any consequence. In 2018, the tobacco giants were forced to issue “corrective statements” informing the public about the true dangers of smoking on cigarette packs and online.

It Gets Worse! The tobacco industry purposefully made their products more addictive, and consequently, they are even more deadly. The 2014 Surgeon General’s Report on the Health Consequences of Smoking found that although smoking rates had decreased in 50 years, the risk of dying had gone up, due to changes that the companies had introduced... Commercial tobacco is genetically engineered to contain double the nicotine, and loaded with chemicals that enhance addictiveness even more:

  • Bronchodilators - open airways to let more smoke get into the lungs.

  • Sugars and flavors - make smoke easier to inhale and reduce harshness.

  • Ammonia - gets nicotine into the brain faster.

  • Design - cigarette shape changed to increase nicotine absorption by 14.5%.

These addictive innovations mean cigarettes are much more dangerous than they used to be and bear no resemblance to the humble tobacco plant from which they originated. Modern smokers are at greater risk than people smoking before 1964 (even if they smoke fewer cigarettes!) . Why Smoking Kills Tobacco smoke contains over 250 dangerous gasses and 70 cancer-causing chemicals that poison your body with every puff, including:

  • Hydrogen cyanide

  • Formaldehyde

  • Arsenic, Cadmium & Lead (heavy metals)

  • Ammonia

  • Radioactive polonium-210

  • Benzene

  • Carbon monoxide

  • Nitrosamines

  • Vinyl chloride

  • Polycyclic hydrocarbons

The same 250 poisonous gasses are also found in secondhand smoke. If you can smell it, you are ‘smoking it,’ and it could be harming your health. There is no ‘risk-free’ level of smoking for yourself or those around you. It’s toxic and deadly. Why do we still do it?

Emotional Connections Nicotine, the major addictive element in tobacco, stimulates the release of dopamine in the brain. This pleasurable feeling explains why people keep coming back to their cancer sticks for another fix. But it’s a trick! As people get addicted to this experience, their minds reverse-engineer reasons to smoke, like:

  • "It relaxes me!"

  • "It makes me more productive!"

  • "It helps me focus!"

  • "It helps me maintain my weight!"

  • "It's what I need at work!"

  • "It’s hella hard to quit!"

These are examples of the mental gymnastics a smoking-addicted mind performs to justify the behavior.

Rapid Healing The moment you quit smoking; your body starts rapidly regenerating:

  • After 20 minutes your blood pressure and pulse rate normalize.

  • After 8 hours you breathe easier.

  • After 24 hours your lungs are ready to eliminate mucus.

  • After 48 hours the last traces of nicotine are gone, your taste and smell improve.

  • After 1 year your risk of a smoking-induced heart attack is halved.

  • After 10 years your risk of dying from lung cancer is halved.

  • After 10 to 15 years your risk of heart disease is the same as a non-smoker.

It’s never too late to give up (until it is!) Fortunately, there’s a lot you can do to break free from this habit! 11 Tips for Quitting Smoking Support and preparation make quitting much easier.

  • Accountability: Join others who want to quit, you’re more likely to stay on track.

  • Anticipation: The first 10 days after quitting are the hardest, plan how to beat cravings.

  • Bioelectric: Eat from Dr. Sebi’s Nutritional Guide to start reversing damage smoking caused.

  • Distractions: Plenty of enjoyable activities to give you something else to focus on.

  • Exercise: Movement helps your body clear mucus and waste, cleansing and energizing you.

  • Hydrate: Restore the water lost to the smoke in your lungs, with natural Spring Water.

  • Motivation: Define your reasons for quitting! What makes YOU want to give it up?

  • Reframe: You are adding more nourishing oxygen to your life, not taking anything away.

  • Schedule: Plan exactly when you’ll quit, and what method you’ll use (quit or cut back).

  • Sleep: Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night; maximize your body’s restorative potential.

  • Stress: Find ways to relax that don't involve filling your lungs with smoke!

Give it Up, Y'all! Every year, half of all cigarette smokers attempt to stop smoking - but only 1 in 10 succeed. Whether you’ve quit before or are quitting for the first time, you CAN do it. If you implement the above tips, make them your own, and take action, you’ll be one of the 1's that succeed! Smoking taxes your body’s ability to protect itself and remove waste products. By letting go of accumulated poisons, like nicotine, and swapping heavy metals for nutritional ones, you can undo decades of damage and re-build a healthy, smoke-free, oxygen-rich body. Tobacco isn’t natural, it’s an engineered addiction. Free your lungs and escape the grip of the criminal industry enslaving you. Don’t let your addicted mind deceive you. It might feel like a long way to go, but trust that you will get there - your body wants to heal and recover. Increase your oxygen, one clean, full, deep breath at a time. “One Breath, Breathe Life” – Yero Bandele Wellness Coach To Your Health!

“The M Series”


Check out Billy's new podcast, "Yes, we landed on the moon and yes, we lied about it!" For this episode of "Yes, We Landed On The Moon And Yes, We Lied About It!," I've linked to YouTube below. In this podcast, Billy discusses things like how the government found ruins or anomalies on the moon with data that is not available to the pub




Check out Billy's new podcast, "Yes, we landed on the moon and yes, we lied about it!" For this episode of "Yes, We Landed On The Moon And Yes, We Lied About It!," I've linked to YouTube below. In this podcast, Billy discusses things like how the government found ruins or anomalies on the moon with data that is not available to the public.



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