Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan announced the award of the first-ever public wireless-in-road charging system that would enable electric vehicles to charge while in motion or at rest.
ElectReon’s is a publicly-traded Israeli company that develops and implements “Wireless Electric Road Systems” (“ERS”). ERS is an invisible platform built into the road system that wirelessly charges both commercial and passenger vehicles while driving. ElectReon’s mission is “offering sustainability by reshaping the transportation industry.”
Michigan has awarded ElectReon with the task of building an electric road system in Detroit known as the Motor City as part of a pilot program for inductive vehicle charging.
This announcement of Michigan’s Inductive Vehicle Charging Pilot program was first made in September 2021 at Motor Bella. But Governor Whitmer just recently announced that ElectReon won the contract to build the wireless-in-road charging system in Detroit.
Governor Whitmer proclaims, “as we aim to lead the future of mobility and electrification by boosting electric vehicle production and lowering consumer costs, a wireless-in-road charging system is the next piece to the puzzle for sustainability. I am happy to see Michigan lead and keep building on these ground-breaking initiatives creating new business opportunities and high-tech jobs. Together, we will continue growing our economy and putting Michiganders first.”
Detroit was once the heart of America’s industrial heartland and was once one of the wealthiest cities in America. Known as the birthplace of the American car industry, Detroit after the recession in 2008 turned into a decrepit, often surreal landscape of urban decline. But Detroit is making a come back and is leading the charge (no pun intended) on electric vehicles being able to charge while in motion as needed.
This Detroit wireless-in-road charging system will be the first in the United States and if successful will almost solidify Michigan’s position as a leader in EV technology.
Having a wireless-in-road charging system will benefit electric vehicle drivers from the fear of losing charge while sitting idle stuck in unexpected traffic jams or accidents on the road. This will open the avenue for more people to become willing to purchase electric vehicles. This in-road wireless charging will become even easier and faster than stopping for gas.
Michigan’s transportation director Paula C. Ajegba says, “Michigan is aggressively rolling our various charging solutions and we need to continue to stay ahead of the technology curve.” She also added, “a wireless in-road charging system will be revolutionary for electric vehicles, potentially extending their charge without having to stop.”
This Detroit wireless in-road charging system is intended to be operational by 2023. ElectReon will be working with NextEnergy and Jacobs Engineering Group to make this deadline possible.
This project is currently slated for a 1-mile stretch of wireless charging of both “dynamic and stationary wireless EV charging in Detroit.” This stretch will be within Michigan Central, a mobility innovation district, and supported by Ford Motor, DTE Energy and the City of Detroit.
ElectReon’s Vice President Stefan Tongur, said, “we are proud and thankful to be selected by the Michigan Department of Transportation to lead and implement the first wireless electric road system in the United States.”
Michigan is hoping that ElectReon’s proposal for this pilot program becomes a nationwide model for accelerating electric vehicles and ushering in a new generation of technological changes in the transportation industry.