By J. Chatfield

OOOOH, SEX! Such an intimidating word. Most people don't talk about it because they have different experiences around it. On the heavier side of conversations, you hear about the traumas, and the traumas are what you hear in mainstream media. Those that talk about it publicly in a fun and exciting blissful way are called " freaky" and in street terms " loose". Why is it seen as such a mal thing when more of the population that not participate in this physical activity?
I challenge you to remember where and how you heard about sex for the first time. Did you hear it from a parent or guardian? Was there a formal dinner and fun-shaped appetizers in your learning honor? Or did you like most, learn from your environment? Where is the gap for gaining this knowledge? We are shown many things but the details of one of the most important magical endeavors of life are not explained or are hidden and charged subscriptions for viewing. There really is a more powerful understanding that is needed in our communities around this heavily guarded subject of sex.
How can we charge our youth with being responsible for something that we haven't been properly educated about? Most of us felt around in the dark until we figured it out. Do we really want to continue that cycle of ignorant bliss? Although the 80's babies and many generations before were raised by an evolving sex culture, because of their way of miseducation we are still uneducated about sex. In some conversations I've had, most have said that their kids will figure it out the same way they did.
How repetitious.
It is time we break that cycle. We all need to go back to sex education class but not the one that was given through "permission slip signing" to our guardians...........or not. A true education from the ancient civilizations. An education from within. The truth is we already know how to flow with the true vibes of intercourse. There is a natural feeling of emotions and physical allurement that calls you to what you want to experience. Now if we put the right knowledge behind these feelings, who knows? We could maybe have a decent conversation about sex without blushing and feeling any type of way other than knowledgeable.
As TV evolved, the conversation grew lighter and filled with embarrassment around sex. On an episode of Alfred Hitchcock, the couples slept in separate beds! Was that really going on in homes? People started handing out books and paraphernalia associated with sex, but nothing that provided light to the path of understanding the truths about sex.
It may be hard to talk to your children about sex, but where else is it suitable for them to learn? If you have some discomfort around the subject, it is best you do a little soul searching as to why you feel so uncomfortable and begin to heal so that it is not passed down to the next generation. The next generation will not be able to say they didn't hear it from their parents or guardian. They can say they were given the right tools to make healthy decisions. This generation and future generations will be teaching how to really tap into the true energy and knowledge of sex.
J. Chatfield is an author, homeschool parent, and podcaster that loves to uplift heal and motivate others to live their purposed life. She loves writing stories/producing media for children and adults to assist them in knowing themselves. You can find her interviews and stories on:
Watch This Video Interview Where Billy Interviews Irena Byriel.
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