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The Prehistory of Gobekli Tepe: The Rise and Fall of Civilization is Revealed in a Catastrophe

Writer's picture: Billy CarsonBilly Carson

By: April Carson

The Earth burned approximately 13,000 years ago. A swarm of comet debris from the Taurid meteor stream had blasted North America and parts of Europe; the worst day in prehistoric history since the ice age. The epidemic and its calamities virtually wiped out nearly all species of large animals. And those that survived the initial storm were powerless against the floods, acid rain, and famine that followed.

Mankind also suffered. The devastation of this catastrophe drove mankind even further back into more rudimentary stone-age cultures, leaving sickly, frightened communities struggling for survival. The animals who ate the grass, as well as the plants that grew with it, could not live in the gloomy half-light of day or the starless black of night. And without them, life would be bleak and difficult.

For many years, the dust settled and the stars were visible once more. The sun and moon gradually got stronger, allowing natural order to recover. But this devastating calamity was not forgotten.

The Cataclysmic Birth of Religion

In the Fertile Crescent, present-day southern Turkey, the survivors of the Natufian cultures commemorated their era's devastation at Gobekli Tepe, which is now recognized as the world's first temple. They had been changed by it – more afraid and religious. The four friends worshipped at their new stone temple for protection, deliverance, and whatever else they could think of. They kept an eye on the sky, too.

Their settlement grew and their temple expanded. They met needs and developed agriculture to sustain the increasing number of settled mouths who stayed in sight of their monument over time. Centuries passed, and new talents were acquired by their society. Their temple became more ornate and complicated, as well as more renowned.

Thousands came from all across the region to attend this holy site, which was one of the world's most important religious centers during its time. They traveled hundreds of miles to see the greatest achievement of their era and participate in its spiritual rites. Civilization had dawned.

The dark ages were back. In the northern European regions, people began to discover new opportunities for obtaining food and building wealth by planting crops in fields. This agricultural practice spread like a virus throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa during the Dark Ages. The most significant upheaval in history was under way.

Nothing, of course, lasts forever in this world. New cultural centers arose that out-competed Gobekli Tepe over time, and new fashions swept across each capital promoted by those with much to gain. The bright light of Gobekli Tepe dimmed over time.

After three thousand years, Gobekli Tepe was deliberately buried to safeguard its history. Its inscriptions, which provide firsthand accounts of the most devastating catastrophe in the last 20 millennia, were hidden from a flood of marauders, looters, and others who trampled over it.

They were lost again until Klauss Schmidt rediscovered them in 1994. Twenty years after that, Paul Burley and Graham Hancock discovered the key that unlocked the secrets, allowing them to be deciphered correctly for the first time in 10,000 years.

Our "Fox" paper revealed that the animal symbols at Gobekli Tepe, in addition to snakes, represented constellations — the same constellations known in the West today. The snakes slashing or approaching the animal symbols represented meteors from the Taurid meteor stream. Another one of their pillars, Pillar 43, is especially significant since it may be analyzed using statistics. It is our Rosetta Stone. The inscription on this pillar is significant, as it very well may represent the date of the Younger Dryas Event itself, written in terms of precession of the equinoxes.

This pillar overturns long-held beliefs in scholarship. It is revolutionary. Most importantly, it demonstrates that ancient individuals were far more astute astronomers than previously assumed. It also suggests that Clube and Napier's coherent catastrophism, which postulates numerous calamitous comet impacts on Earth throughout the last 20,000 years or so, with perhaps more to come, is correct. Essentially, it urges us to be wary for the cosmos isn't as safe as we thought. "

Most academics in the Earth Sciences still adhere to the ‘uniformitarian' paradigm developed over two centuries ago by James Hutton, which assures us that our planet is safe from such catastrophic collisions. While the dinosaur-killing asteroid tale is popular, uniformitarianism asserts that such events could not have happened during human history. These occurrences are, so many people believe, as rare as fairies.

Staying Safe from Cataclysmic Events

We now know, however, that this is a misconception. Uniformitarianism is dead and should be forgotten. In any case, every scientist should immediately question it. uniformitarianism is an extreme version of ‘extrapolation' in technical terms.

Geologic catastrophes, it says, were caused by God in order to "cleanse the Earth" and purify it. This is a necessary requirement for an argument because human history as we know it has been shaped by these events. It effectively discounts uncommon occurrences, particularly those from space. However, as any competent scientist would acknowledge, uncommon events frequently dominate complex systems such as the planet's environment. In general, extrapolations are avoided in science entirely or used only with extreme caution. So why has uniformitarianism been so popular?

I'm not sure what the solution is. It's possible that there's a psychological element to it. Perhaps, in general, we would rather not confront the threats that face us, especially if there is little we can do about them. Nonetheless, uniformitarianism from a scientific viewpoint is entirely unsatisfactory and must be abandoned.

There's the geochemical, astronomical, and archaeological evidence. All of them point in the same direction to establish an unassailable new paradigm. In a nutshell, there is the geochemical, astronomical, and archaeological evidence.

It is now known that a cataclysmic event of cosmic proportions occurred on Earth nearly 13,000 years ago. At the base of the Younger Dryas Boundary (or Black Mat), Nano diamonds, tiny iridium-enriched magnetic grains, and higher platinum levels all suggest a comet collision. Multiple independent research teams have confirmed their presence for at least the past 10 years. Furthermore, in the same period, there is a frozen layer of platinum dust in the Greenland ice sheet.

Efforts to refute this evidence are seriously flawed in a fundamental and surprisingly basic way. On the timescale of human evolution, there is also astronomical evidence. On that time frame, observations of comets past Jupiter, the frequency with which they enter the interior solar system, and their atomization within the inner solar system all imply that world-altering comet strikes are expected.

In addition, the discovery of comet fragments accompanying Encke in the Taurid meteor stream, as well as the huge zodiacal dust cloud, strongly suggest they should have occurred on a human time scale. It would be a huge surprise if no such sites were discovered. As a result, the impact of such magnitude that occurred approximately 13,000 years ago is completely predictable.

Ancient Astronomers

We also have animal symbols at Göbekli Tepe and cave art, which is where the general viewpoint is that they represent ‘animism,' a sort of shamanism. We now understand, without a doubt, that these animal hieroglyphs are meant to represent the same star constellations we know today on the various equinoxes and solstices. They prove that precession of the equinoxes was understood tens of thousands of years ago, thus disproving the claim made by Hipparchus of Ancient Greece in the 2nd century BC that this phenomenon had previously been discovered.

The first find at Göbekli Tepe and Pillar 43 revealed the key to deciphering this, but our Fox paper raised a few questions. This uncertainty has been entirely removed in my more recent peer-reviewed paper, which demonstrates that the same zodiacal system may be used to interpret west European cave art, such as at Lascaux, Chauvet, and Altamira. In fact, the Lascaux Shaft Scene may be regarded as a monument to a previously devastating comet impact, taking place some 15,150 BC. This is no mere guesswork; our zodiacal hypothesis has been validated in a scientific manner.

In fact, the oldest known example of figurative art, the 40,000-year-old Lion Man from Hohlenstadel Cave, follows this zodiac system - in this case, it's likely a depiction of Cancer on the winter solstice at that time.

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About the Blogger:

April Carson is the daughter of Billy Carson. She received her bachelor's degree in Social Sciences from Jacksonville University, where she was also on the Women's Basketball team. She now has a successful clothing company that specializes in organic baby clothes and other items. Take a look at their most popular fall fashions on

To read more of April's blogs, check out her website! She publishes new blogs on a daily basis, including the most helpful mommy advice and baby care tips! Follow on IG @bossbabymav







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