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Researchers Have Discovered 70 Rogue Alien Worlds Floating Through Space

By: April Carson

Between 70 and 170 potential young rogue planets have been discovered in the Upper Scorpio stellar association, making it the association's biggest discovery to date, according to astronomers. Up until now, experts had only identified a few fewer than 30 of these objects. The discovery was made possible by the examination of observational data from ground-based and space telescopes obtained over the previous two decades.

Scenarios for the formation of new planets

All of the known exoplanets so far have been found orbiting their birth stars. But at the turn of the previous century, astronomers discovered the first orphan planets - bodies of planetary mass (up to 13 Jupiter masses) in interstellar space that were not gravitationally linked with a star or brown dwarf.

Over the last two decades, only about twenty such renegade planets have been found, and most of these discoveries are made through gravitational microlensing.

At present, astronomers have proposed four potential mechanisms for their generation. These include:

• As the cloud continues to collapse, its gravitational force begins to compress it

• The formation of a planet in a protoplanetary disc near a star and the subsequent expulsion from the system is caused by gravitational interactions among bodies within this region.

• A star's formation as an embryo of a galaxy in a cluster, followed by an early ejection from the cluster is called cluster ejection.

• The death of a pre-stellar core as a result of nearby OB star winds

Observational data suggest that all of these processes are feasible, but scientists still have no idea how important each is to the overall population of rogue planets.

More than 70 new rogue planets were discovered in the Milky Way galaxy

At least 70 new orphan planets have been discovered by a team of astronomers from France's Bordeaux Astrophysical Observatory, according to Núria Miret-Roig. This was accomplished while investigating the star-forming region known as "The Diamond" in the top of Scorpio and Ophiuchus, which has a total area of ​​171 square degrees.

The researchers studied the planet's atmosphere using data from VLT, VISTA, MPG telescopes, and other ground-based and space observatories. Over the previous 20 years, 80.8 thousand wide-angle photographs were processed with 18 different cameras.

The goal of the project was to identify 70 to 170 young orphan planets, as part of the Upper Scorpio stellar association, that were missed by previous research. The degree of uncertainty in the number of items is linked to difficulties in determining the age of the investigated area and an absence of precise data on the mass of newly discovered things.

Theories and conclusions based on theoretical reasoning

If such things are produced by the collapse of a tiny molecular cloud, the number of discovered orphan planets in a stellar association is several times higher than theoretical models predict. Ejection of large planets from their systems is thought to contribute significantly to the formation of orphan worlds, according to researchers.

In this scenario, such events are expected to happen during the first 3-10 million years of the system's existence. It is anticipated that the Milky Way may contain many billion orphan gas giants and even more planets with a comparable mass to Earth.

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About the Blogger:

April Carson is the daughter of Billy Carson. She received her bachelor's degree in Social Sciences from Jacksonville University, where she was also on the Women's Basketball team. She now has a successful clothing company that specializes in organic baby clothes and other items. Take a look at their most popular fall fashions on

To read more of April's blogs, check out her website! She publishes new blogs on a daily basis, including the most helpful mommy advice and baby care tips! Follow on IG @bossbabymav





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