By: April Carson
Using gravitational waves, a team of physicists led by MIT employees checked the hypothesis of Professor Hawking about black holes. His area theorem was verified experimentally exactly 50 years after he proposed it.
Stephen Hawking's hypothesis states that there are rules that even the most ferocious things in existence must follow. He explained that the area surrounding black hole event horizons is a boundary beyond which nothing may penetrate. On the other hand, nothing is able to escape from beyond this boundary. This theorem predicts that although matter can't get out of the black hole, it may be possible for something to come in.
The team of researchers tested Hawking's theory by sending two merging pulsars into orbit around each other. They used instruments like LIGO and Virgo to listen for the gravitational waves that were produced by this orbital decay. The researchers used a computer simulation to simulate what the final result would look like, and it matched their findings perfectly.
The event horizon of a black hole should have an infinite surface area, but cannot shrink. The event horizon is not the black hole itself, but rather the radius at which even light traveling in a vacuum would be unable to achieve the speed of "escape" from the gravitational field generated by the black hole's singularity.
The black hole's gravitational influence reaches out to a distance of about three times the Schwarzschild radius, which is proportional to the mass of the black hole.
Because black holes can only gain weight according to general relativity, the event horizon should only grow. Until now, all of this was simply theoretical.
In a 50-year span, theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking predicted that black holes should emit particles based on Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. The researchers observed the first gravitational wave signal ever recorded by LIGO in 2015 and dubbed it GW150914.
What exactly was the cause of this new event? Scientists found that it resulted from the combination of two enormous black holes, which produced a supermassive black hole as a result of their merger. A significant amount of energy was released as a consequence of this collision, which traveled through space-time as gravitational waves.
Before and after the cosmic collision, physicists conducted computer simulations on the GW150914 signal. The event horizon's total area did not decrease during the intercourse. The findings verified Hawking's hypothesis for the first time in practice, having previously been proved only mathematically and until recently had not been observed in nature.
In the future, the team of physicists will attempt to decode gravitational waves that will be detected. This will broaden research and minimize the risk of an accidental discovery.
According to the authors of the study, if the research of new gravitational waves confirms Hawking's theory, it will be at least a sign of what is known as "new physics," which challenges conventional physics laws.
We've discussed new physics in the past, and how many of science's laws fail to explain space's mysteries. This is a topic that many authorities avoid since it has not yet been well accepted by traditionalists. But, in the end, it may be required that the classic rules be modified to account for the inexplicable.
On numerous occasions, hypotheses and theories that violate the laws of physics have been able to provide plausible explanations for cosmic events. Perhaps scientists should concentrate on techniques that are beyond the box.
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About the Blogger:
April Carson is the daughter of Billy Carson. She received her bachelor's degree in Social Sciences from Jacksonville University, where she was also on the Women's Basketball team. She now has a successful clothing company that specializes in organic baby clothes and other items. Take a look at their most popular fall fashions on
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