By: April Carson
Bad feelings tend to get worse when you go back and relive a heated argument. You’ll find that if you sleep with your anger unresolved, those bad vibes will harden into resentment-- which is never fun for anyone involved!
After an intense disagreement, it's important to allow time before sleeping so as not to let the bad emotions fester. In order for things between two people who are mad at each other can progress forward without having resentments build up or develop in their place- taking some space beforehand makes all this much easier on everyone involved later down the line!
This concept of taking some time apart is important for other situations as well. Whether it's a breakup or a fight between friends, know that the best thing for all involved is to wait before getting back together. You’ve got to remember that when you pick up where you left off, the other person will be there to defend their position on things. They’ll go back to the way they were before- no matter if that was good or bad for your relationship as a whole.
This is why it’s important for you to think about how you choose to react after getting angry with someone. Do you just let it go when the emotions are high, and assume that your partner will do the same? If so, then you’re only asking for trouble down the road. The best way to react is to take some time apart from each other before getting back together with things unresolved.
When you sleep, the brain reorganizes negative memories so it is difficult to forget them if they have been on your mind all day. It's hard to really let things go when you're trying to fall asleep, especially if something is upsetting you. When emotions are heightened before bedtime, one's body and mind remain in an agitated state which inhibits deeper sleep or facilitates light sleep- this can lead to nightmares!
What is the best way for people who have been fighting all day to fall asleep? Studies have shown that people sleep better after resolving conflicts with the person they are fighting.
You should NEVER go to sleep angry, if you want to have healthy relationships!
There are many ways to resolve conflicts peacefully and without hostility. Like try using the 'broken record' technique, just keep repeating your point until the other person understands what you're saying. The key here is to repeat yourself without getting frustrated or upset!
Another option is to talk with a therapist about how you can resolve conflict in a healthy way.
In order to avoid going to sleep angry, you need to resolve the issue as soon as possible – and prevent it from happening again. Once you figure out a solution, then practice it! It may not be the best method or solution to use with everyone, but if you can find some common ground have a plan, and stick to it. You'll feel better after you fall asleep and wake up in the morning.