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Louisiana Residents Must Now Show ID to Visit Porn Sites

By: April Carson

Unfortunately, Louisiana residents have to be the Guinea Pigs in this case as they're the only ones who must present ID when accessing these websites. That said, it could just be a matter of time before other states and countries follow suit. In order to protect minors from accessing porn, adults should respect the law and provide identification when asked for it.

On January 1st, a groundbreaking state law was put in place that demands websites with "a substantial portion" of material not suitable for minors to request that consumers confirm they are 18 or older. The new law states that this constitutes more than 33.3 percent of the website's content, and as Gizmodo reported, Pornhub, Youporn and Redtube have already started requiring age verifications from their visitors.

If a site hosts content that falls into the adult category, they must execute "appropriate age verification processes," such as requesting users to present their driver's license or digital version thereof. Pornhub, Youporn and Redtube have chosen to confirm visitors' ages by utilizing LA Wallet app - Louisiana state's digital wallet application for licenses. A video posted on Twitter captures how precisely Pornhub uses this program in order to verify someone is of legal age.

This is an important reminder that nothing on the internet is private, and users should be mindful of what they post online. With this in mind, it's essential for all internet users to understand the risks associated with sharing sensitive personal information online and take steps to protect their privacy. By requiring ID verification when accessing porn sites, Louisiana is not only protecting minors from accessing potentially harmful materials, but also reminding adults to be aware of their digital footprint.

The authors of the document regarding this law went on to say, "Thanks to technological progress and easy online access with minimal age verification requirements, minors are exposed to pornography at an early age. This can be extremely damaging as it contributes to their hyper sexualization and may lead them into having low self-esteem, body image disorders as well as an increase in problematic sexual activities from a young age. Moreover, adolescents become more inclined towards risky behavior due to these circumstances. Research has shown that pornography can have a negative influence on brain development and functioning, leading to physical or mental illnesses. It can also shape inappropriate sexual arousal and make it more difficult for individuals to create or maintain healthy relationships. Furthermore, there is evidence indicating that it promotes unhealthy and addictive behaviors.

Fortunately, the government of Louisiana has recognized these dangers and is taking action to protect its citizens. As of June 1st, 2021, anyone who wants to access porn sites must first provide a state-issued identification card or driver’s license. This new requirement will help ensure that children are not exposed to inappropriate material online and that individuals who are struggling with addiction can be held accountable for their actions.

In an interview with TechCrunch, Olivia Snow, a sex worker and research fellow at UCLA's Center for Critical Internet Inquiry, expressed that the requirement to verify before accessing porn is equivalent to surveillance. The rampant growth of homophobia and transphobia can even lead extreme cases in which those who consume gay or lesbian pornography are subjected to further monitoring by law enforcement or criminalization. Despite Pornhub's assurances that presenting IDs for access to online porn doesn't permit anyone to trace one's past activity, doubts regarding security and privacy are still growing.

Snow also noted that online porn verification will primarily affect people who don’t have easy access to valid IDs, such as immigrants, trans individuals and the homeless. With no alternative options in sight, they are at a disadvantage when it comes to accessing basic sexual resources.

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April Carson is the daughter of Billy Carson. She received her bachelor's degree in Social Sciences from Jacksonville University, where she was also on the Women's Basketball team. She now has a successful clothing company that specializes in organic baby clothes and other items. Take a look at their most popular fall fashions on

To read more of April's blogs, check out her website! She publishes new blogs on a daily basis, including the most helpful mommy advice and baby care tips! Follow on IG @bossbabymav



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