By: April Carson
"Sleep is the best medication" - Dalai Lama

Sleep is vital to the physical, mental and emotional well-being of an individual. During sleep periods hormones are released which help in repairing cells while reducing inflammation throughout one's body - this helps promote healing processes that occur during restful slumber time! The amount needed varies on what you're feeling at any given moment but typically adults require 7-9 hours for a healthy lifestyle (not including work).
People who have trouble getting their heads down will often resort as much they can manage before bedtime then try again tomorrow night; however if these attempts fail there could be potential health risks so speak with your doctor immediately about how best deal with insomnia.
To combat the dreaded lack of sleep, it's important to create an environment that encourages sleep. For instance, one should set a regular bedtime to give their mind and body time to wind down. Many people choose an hour or two before they would normally hit the hay but if you are feeling exceptionally tired at 10 pm then feel free to go to bed earlier. Ensuring that your bedroom is dark, cool and free of distractions is also crucial in encouraging sleep and not allowing the mind to stay active for too long.
Sleep isn’t just good – it saves lives by restoring function after surgery or injury. If you're going through a phase of feeling too tired, getting enough sleep can help keep your brain sharp for problem-solving and memory. Not sleeping well has been linked to high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes.

The effects of sleep deprivation are devastating. A lack of sleep has been shown to decrease reaction time, impair concentration and decision making capabilities as well as lead you into a state where your moods become depressed or even manic due the increased risk for infections that come with it (as if we needed another health problem).
Chronic SD can result in an impaired immune system which will make people more susceptible not just when they're sick but also potentially increases their chances at getting cancer down the road too so its always best practice to get enough zzzz's every single night!
How do you know if your sleep is going well? A simple rule of thumb, which many people follow already and need to reevaluate their routine for sleeping hours are: feeling tired when waking up in the morning; needing longer than 30 minutes just before bedtime so that they can fall asleep easily without any issue at all.

Other signs might include relying heavily upon caffeinated beverages such as coffee or energy drinks throughout day-to-day life because these help keep us awake and functioning efficiently while still being able sustain an active lifestyle outside work hours too!
Sleeping problems are frequently caused by a person's bedtime routine. Here are some suggestions to help you fine-tune your bedtime regimen:
• Stick to a plan. Regularly going to bed and getting up at the same time aids your body in developing a rhythm.
• More restful sleep can be achieved through regular exercise, but it's crucial to avoid exercising within four hours of going to bed.
• Avoid napping. Short catnaps (about 20 minutes long) can help you be more awake during the day, while longer catnaps (typically over 30 minutes) can lead to drowsiness when you wake up.
• Caffeine and tobacco are stimulants, so keep them away from each other. Caffeine should not be consumed after noon. Quitting smoking or reducing your usage can significantly improve the quality of your sleep.
• Drink no alcohol 4-6 hours before going to bed. It may cause you to feel drowsy at first, but it frequently results in waking up during the night as the effects dissipate. This disrupts typical sleep cycles, making sleep less restful and restoring.
• When you feel sleep deprived, go to bed as soon as possible. Get out of your sleeping environment if you can't fall asleep in it. Do something quiet and return to bed when you begin to become weary.
• Reduce screen time before going to sleep. Blue light from devices like your phone, iPad, and television may be harmful.