By: April Carson
While it is true that the culture and development of modern civilization can be largely attributed to Greece, this should not come at a cost. The most important Greeks were also great contributors academically as well- some providing us with significant legislation or mighty empires while others enriched our knowledge on Ancient history!
Ancient Greek had such an impact in shaping up what we know today but unfortunately many forget about their contribution outside just society etc., including during ancient times itself. There are several high-ranking members who have contributed to everything from military policy, finance (instructions), and even social issues.
The ancient Greeks are often remembered for their military brilliance, courage and resilience. For this reason it is imperative that we understand them in a philosophical way too as they were more than conquerors of enemies on the battlefield; these men also shaped our society with politics, lawmaking and
academia which makes up most aspects
today's world culture and civilization!
Here are 10 of the most powerful people in Ancient Greece
1. Aristotle, 384-322 BC:
Greek philosopher and scientist who is considered to be the most influential figure in the history of science, inventing an empirical approach for explanation of natural phenomena. As Plato's most outstanding student he is commonly called "The Philosopher". He was one of the first to set out a systematic programme of teleological explanation in nature, and as such he was an important figure in the development of natural theology and metaphysics. Aristotle's views on the physical sciences profoundly shaped medieval scholarship, and their influence extended well into the Renaissance periods of Western philosophy.
2. Alexander The Great, 356-323 BC
Alexander was an inspiring leader and military genius. He created one of the biggest empires in ancient history, stretching from Greece to India. He is also known for founding some 20 cities that bore his name, most important being Alexandria in Egypt. His influence on what was then a largely Greek-speaking world would be forever significant. Alexander married twice, first to Roxana then on his return from India, Stateira (who was also his Persian prisoner) and had one son, who he named after himself.
3 . King Leonidas I Of Sparta, 5e88-480 BC
Leader of the united Greek forces at the Battle of Thermopylae against Persian invasion in 480 BC. He is even more famous in Greece for being a great warrior and died holding the pass at Thermopylae. His death inspired the Greeks to defeat the Persians in a battle that was so crucial.
4. Cleopatra 69 BC — 30 BC
Last pharaoh of Ancient Egypt. She was queen of Ptolemaic Egypt and had an incredibly romantic life with both Julius Caesar and Mark Antony (and three children by each!). In a time of male domination, a woman had seized power and commandeered the military. Her strong will was not the only thing that her subsequent generation of Greek and Hellenistic women appreciated.
5. Socrates, c469-399 BC
Wise Greek philosopher and teacher who lived for around 70 years. He was one of the founding figures of Western philosophy and made a very important contribution to belief systems in Ancient Greece. His work has been incredibly influential on philosophy today.
6. Pericles (495 BC — 429 BC)
Leader of Athens from 460 BC until he died in 429 BC. He was a great supporter of the arts and it is even thought that his encouragement of these pursuits helped to develop Greek culture as we know it today.
7. Plato (424/423—348/347 BC)
Greek philosopher who founded the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. He made a huge contribution to modern philosophy and ideas which continue to influence us today.
8. Herodotus (484-425 BC)
Greek Historian who wrote The Histories, the earliest known work of history in Western literature. His accounts are valued for their richness and his observations about different cultures.
9. Plutarch (45 — 120 AD)
Greek thinker and author of a series of biographies on Greek and Roman leaders. His Parallel Lives is a collection comparing the great Greeks and Romans who had similar careers, while his Moralia includes essays on different topics.
10. Thucydides (c. 460—400 BC)
Greek historian whose writing about the Plague of Athens, the war between Sparta and Athens, and other historical events is still studied at universities. His work The History of the Peloponnesian War reshaped historians' understanding of warfare in ancient Greece.