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Emerald Discovery Proves the Myth of El Dorado's Legendary City

By: April Carson

Colombian archaeologists have unearthed eight clay jugs containing metal figurines and gems during the excavation of an ancient temple. The objects, which are approximately 600 years old, were found at a monument of the Chibcha culture, known for its connection to the legend of El Dorado.

Archaeologists discovered Chibcha Culture riches, which are linked to the legend of El Dorado

Before the Spanish conquest, the Chibcha people (Muisca) consisted of several chiefdoms. Hoe farming was at the core of the Chibcha economy, and a wide range of crops were grown: potatoes, quinoa, corn, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and a variety of other plants. The people also traded with each other, obtaining valuable goods such as emeralds, gold, animal skins, tusks and salt.

The Chibcha are known for their amazingly detailed figurines made out of precious metals. Many of these represent priests or chiefs - idols that were worshipped by the Muisca. Some show men with their genitals exposed - a sign of spiritual wealth and power.

Non-food crops

The Chibcha cultivated cotton, tobacco, and coca. The latter two were utilized in religious rituals.

Fishing and hunting

The O'odham people subsisted primarily on hunting and fishing for food. They did not raise cattle, and the only domestic animal was a dog. As a result, hunting and fishing were critical in obtaining meat from creatures.

Exquisite jewelry

Chibchas were skilled artisans, especially in the field of jewelry. They understood how to work with metals such as gold, silver, and copper. The Indian religion was based on a sun and moon cult that was represented by two spouses-deities.


The Quimbaya sacrificed in their honor were represented with gold figurines, as well as other jewelry. The legend of El Dorado may have been inspired by the use of gold dust for religious purposes during the ritual.

Muisca city ruins

Near Bogotá, Colombian archaeologists led by Francisco Correa studied the remains of a Muisca city belonging to the Chibcha culture. Scientists discovered the ruins of a temple and ancient burials as part of the work that was done ahead of the highway's construction.

Excavations have revealed eight so-called ofrendatarios, or offering jugs, which are approximately 600 years old. The metal figurines and green gems were found inside the pots.

Types of figurines

The ancient temple is filled with mythical creatures, and some of them appear to be snakes or other animals. Others are anthropomorphic, and people are depicted wearing headdresses, having staffs and weapons. According to experts, the ancient temple may have been used for ancestor worship rituals.


Correa stated that similar jugs had previously been discovered on other structures. Ritual gifts were most likely offered in them, according to Correa. The temple and the vessels, in his view, might have been dedicated to Chibcha gods such as the moon and sun.

These are some of the details that have been deciphered from the ancient temple. Other experts have stated that these vessels could have also been used in funerary rites, or to drink ritual beverages. Many statues depicting deities were found inside the temple. Archaeologists also discovered human remains inside the structure.

The fall of a society

Between 1537 and 1540, the Spanish conquered the Muisca nation. Thousands of Muisca fighters perished in battles against the invaders, while thousands more died from epidemic diseases brought by Europeans. It was not, however, entirely exterminated; thousands of Muisca descendants survive to this day.

The Muisca nation, who lived in present-day Colombia, was a rich empire that built its wealth on gold. In the early 1600s, the Spanish discovered the legendary city of El Dorado—the city of gold—and thousands of warriors perished as they tried to reach it and steal its treasures.

Soon after, legends arose regarding the city's location, so many in fact that when the British arrived in search of El Dorado they were convinced it was located somewhere in Lake Guatavita.

Multi Dimensional Consciousness by Billy Carson - Remote Viewing Workshop


About the Blogger:

April Carson is the daughter of Billy Carson. She received her bachelor's degree in Social Sciences from Jacksonville University, where she was also on the Women's Basketball team. She now has a successful clothing company that specializes in organic baby clothes and other items. Take a look at their most popular fall fashions on

To read more of April's blogs, check out her website! She publishes new blogs on a daily basis, including the most helpful mommy advice and baby care tips! Follow on IG @bossbabymav





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