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Writer's picture: ShonSpeaksShonSpeaks

Life seems to throw curve balls to your plans and bring unexpected changes to your life’s construction. But are they really curve balls to get you off course or just realignment opportunities to get you on the course of your innermost desires?

When life surprises you with a course correction in your money, spirituality, business, marriage, or relationships, these are called the pivots of life. These pivots don’t always feel good or align with what you think are your wants in the moment because you don’t see your own force power in creating them. You think something or someone outside of you changed the game, changed your course, and you are now victims of new rules of realities that you didn’t sign up for. But upon accurate self-reflection, and self-talk evaluation you know this simply isn't true. You only feel this way because of a low vibrational view of life and of yourself.

If you can detach ever so slightly from this weaker point of view and connect to your transcendent self and approach each pivot with a heart of gratitude, you will know that this pivot is really your own creative opportunity to merge your outer self with your greater inner being. This pivot is a new opportunity for you to create a more aligned physical reality with your inner being so you can see yourself, others and life more clearly.

With this greater awareness, you will attune yourself even more to your creative power so when unexpected pivots occur in the future, you will not waste time bemoaning changes, you will not give up on your dreams, and you will not feel like a victim in any way by your own emotions, but you will know that like a Phoenix rising from the ashes of the fire, this pivot is a new opportunity for you to be reborn to have greater curiosity for a more authentic self-expression.

Connecting to your creative power in the heart of a pivot when the pressure of change seems to be too much is challenging. But with daily practice of your creative power of thought, Thoth’s words holds clearer meaning when he said, “Formed from the primal element, base of all matter, the ether far flung. Far in the past, they had conquered the ether. Freed themselves from the bondage of toil; armed in their mind only a picture and swiftly created, it grew.”

These pivots of life are opportunities for you to create a more beautifully aligned outer life with your inner greatness of being. These are times for you to refuel yourself with your own force power. Don’t fight life’s pivots with emotional resistance to yourself. For self-resistance is only humanity’s tools for herd control. You create your own emotions—don’t let others dictate them and control you. Use your ability to manufacture your own thoughts and emotions to empower you and lead you where you choose to go.

Don’t fight life’s pivots with complaints. Complaints are another herd control tool designed for people who don’t understand the creative force power of their own thoughts. Stop allowing others to siphon all of your force power for their creations. Stop complaining and get on with the life you want to live.

Lean into life’s pivots with shear appreciation that life is aligning you. This is harmonious living.

Whatever you think is going wrong in your life right now, it’s not wrong—it’s just your momentary perception of a piece of a greater whole. The whole picture of life you created for yourself is beautiful. Don’t get stuck on the piece right now that does not seem to fit or that you don't understand. Use your creative power of thought to cause it to fit and use your creative power of reason to understand in the best way that serves you.

Keep creating and let Thoth’s timeless words awaken you to your power: “Using the force that is the foundation of ALL things, far in space constructed a planet, drawn by the force that flows through the ALL, condensing, coalescing the ether into forms, that grew as they willed."

Whatever you think is going wrong in your life right now, it’s not wrong—it’s just your momentary limited perception of a piece of a greater whole. The whole picture of your life you created for yourself is beautiful. Don’t get stuck on the piece right now that does not seem to fit or that you don't understand. Use your creative power of thought to cause it to fit and use your creative power of reason to understand whatever you are dealing with right now in the best way that serves you.


Check out Billy Carson explain how thoughts create reality



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