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A Massive X-Class Solar Flare Has Been Unleashed by the Sun

By: April Carson

On Thursday, solar scientists detected an X-class solar flare during the most intense storm of the new cycle, which started in December 2019. In just two days, astronomers observed 28 flares ranging from mild to severe in terms of strength. There was a brief radio communications outage over the Atlantic Ocean as a result of the strong burst of X-rays.

What is a solar flare, and how does it effect our planet?

Solar flares are powerful bursts of solar energy that occur in the upper layers of the Sun. Coronal mass ejections, or the emission of plasma streams, are occasionally seen with solar flares, but they're not always coupled. The brightness of the Sun in the short-wave portion of the spectrum, for example X-rays, can rise considerably during flares. However, the energy is so transient that this brightness increase cannot be maintained. The X-ray intensity typically becomes 10^-8 of normal. The optical area fades away almost immediately, while radio communication can be degraded for several hours typically.

When solar flares emit energetic particles, there's possibility they may become caught up in the Earth's magnetosphere and interact with the atmosphere.

It is thought that flares are caused by the reconnection of magnetic lines in the sun's corona, a significant change in the configuration of the magnetic field, during which its energy is changed to other forms. This is evidenced by their typical proximity to sunspots, where the strength of the magnetic field is substantially greater than elsewhere, and where the effects of the flare can also be greater.

Solar flare classes

The most powerful solar flares are designated as X-class. The weakest events, according to the international classification, are A-class, followed by B, C, M, and X. Eruptions on this scale are each ten times more energetic than those rated on the Richter scale for earthquakes.

The current X-Class solar flare is ten times more powerful than the M-class and a hundred times larger than the C-class flash, according to reports. Each letter category has a scale from 1 to 9, although there have been rare exceptions, such as the X28 event in November 2003.

A powerful X-class solar flare occurred on Thursday

On Thursday, a huge X-class solar flare was discovered by observatories all over the world. It came from a sunspot in the middle of the sun known as AR2887 and headed towards our planet. According to reports, the entire occurrence lasted 31 minutes.

On the scale of severity, the most recent solar flare was X1.5, which is insufficient to have an effect on Earth but did cause a brief outage over the Atlantic Ocean.

Solar Orbiter

On February 10, 2020, Solar Orbiter was put into orbit. It will study coronal mass ejections, prominences, the magnetic field strength in active regions of the Sun's equatorial belt, stellar coronas, and solar wind acceleration mechanisms for nine years.

It will also be the first spacecraft to observe the Sun's polar regions and obtain direct pictures of them. The station is outfitted with a ten-instrument scientific payload, many of which are protected by a multilayer sun shield for scientific operations.

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About the Blogger:

April Carson is the daughter of Billy Carson. She received her bachelor's degree in Social Sciences from Jacksonville University, where she was also on the Women's Basketball team. She now has a successful clothing company that specializes in organic baby clothes and other items. Take a look at their most popular fall fashions on

To read more of April's blogs, check out her website! She publishes new blogs on a daily basis, including the most helpful mommy advice and baby care tips! Follow on IG @bossbabymav





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