By: April Carson

Astronomers announced the approach of a hazardous asteroid called 2018 AH, which will pass by Earth on December 31. Due to its dimness, the thing had previously passed through our planet in 2018; subsequently, owing to its obscurity, it went unnoticed for a long time. According to astronomers' predictions, there is no danger of collision during this passage.
Asteroid 2018 AH
In 2018, the asteroid named AH passed by Earth, but it will return from time to time owing to its elliptical orbit. If the distance between them is 4.5 million kilometers at this moment, what will it be during the next passes is unknown. 2018 AH has flown less than 300,000 kilometers over the past three years. On December 27, it will make a flyby.
Size and power of potential impact
The diameter of the heavenly body is said to be 84 – 190 meters, which makes it comparable in size to the previously thought Tunguska meteorite from 1908. It is assumed that the fall of this object on Earth would cause a major catastrophe, and the blast's power might reach 12 megatons. That is, an impact might produce more severe damage than a nuclear weapon. In the event that 2018 AH swings around and comes towards Earth, we must regard the asteroid as a serious risk.
Chelyabinsk meteor
Scientists point out that the Chelyabinsk meteor, which was only 17 meters long and exploded over Siberia in 2013, was capable of causing damage to approximately 7,000 buildings in Russia. Catastrophic asteroids have previously flown past our planet on a regular basis. In 1971, the passage of asteroid 2002 JE9 was observed near Earth.
Category and Danger
The 2018 AH object is classified as an Apollo asteroid by NASA, meaning it has the greatest potential for catastrophe. Intersection points exist in the orbits of such celestial bodies with Earth's orbit, but agency specialists are unable to conclusively determine whether the object will smash into our planet or not.
It is hard to imagine a collision of this scale taking place. It's more likely that something like the San Andreas Fault will come along and split the Earth into two pieces. The next truly enormous asteroid should arrive in near-earth orbit no earlier than 2028, when the 1016-meter-wide 2001 WN5 passes by.
Comparing asteroid 2018 AH with the Tunguska meteorite
The Tunguska incident was previously discussed, but we may now make a more thorough comparison between the oncoming asteroid 2018 AH and the previous extraterrestrial impact. Because the explosion occurred in the sky rather than on Earth's surface, people in Russia were extremely fortunate. It was also the result of an unexpected event, occurring in a remote sector with little people. It did, however, inflict damage on a large area containing roughly 80 million trees.
Imagine if, during that catastrophe, the blast was greater than an atom bomb. Imagine the devastation a large asteroid would cause in a densely populated region. Now consider 2020 ANT, which is anticipated to be considerably larger than the Tunguska meteorite.
Fortunately, the flyby won't come close enough to Earth to cause any problems. However, there's no telling whether it will approach again in the future since it will be too distant from Earth at this time.
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About the Blogger:
April Carson is the daughter of Billy Carson. She received her bachelor's degree in Social Sciences from Jacksonville University, where she was also on the Women's Basketball team. She now has a successful clothing company that specializes in organic baby clothes and other items. Take a look at their most popular fall fashions on
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