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4BiddenKnowledge's Website featured as "2021's Must See" Site

Demonix features Billy Carson's website as a 2021 "Must See" Site

4BiddenKnowledge Inc. was founded by entrepreneur and social media influencer Billy Carson, the best selling author of the books, The Compendium Of The Emerald Tablets and Woke Doesn’t Mean Broke. He is also an expert host on the Gaia series Deep Space, the CEO of First Class Space Agency, the founder of the UniteThe99 app, and is a powerful force on social media where he is followed by millions. 4BiddenKnowledge offers a little bit of everything, such as videos, lessons, books, accessories, and even giveaways. The company’s site is also where you’d find Mr. Carson’s upcoming events, appearances, projects, other updates, and contact information.

The Website: The combination of the elegant black background, the white, grey and hints red in the fonts, along with colorful graphics, and the portraits showing Mr. Carson’s good looks and smooth taste in men’s wear, makes the site a visual work of art. Every page has it’s own creative title, and a quote or saying pertaining to the topic of the page. The colors are easy on the eyes for viewing and reading. The site is filled with links to Mr. Carson’s apps, books, music, workshops, winnable prizes, videos, media articles, and is equipped with a powerful blog that is constantly updated with new information and has a massive loyal following. The site loads fast, runs smooth, and is easy to navigate through both on the desktop and mobile version

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