The connection between the myth of Atlantis and the island of Santorini Greece: The mystery of the lost Atlantis is one of the most popular myths in the world.

The excavations at Akrotiri have uncovered one of the most important prehistoric settlements of the Aegean. The first habitation at the site dates from the Late Neolithic times (at least the 4th millennium BC). Some support that the catastrophe of the Minoan civilization and Ancient Thira (Santorini) are strongly connected with the lost Atlantis. I personally believe that this was just one of many Atlantean cities that covered the entire planet in ancient times. After many years of research, I have come to the conclusion that Atlantis was not only a global civilization, but that it was also a interplanetary civilization.
During the Early Bronze Age (3rd millennium BC), a sizable settlement was founded and in the Middle and early Late Bronze Age (ca. 20th-17th centuries BC) it was extended and gradually developed into one of the main urban centers and ports of the Aegean.
The large extent of the settlement (ca. 20 hectares), the elaborate drainage system, the sophisticated multi-story buildings with the magnificent wall-paintings, furniture and vessels, show its great development and prosperity.
The various imported objects found in the buildings indicate the wide network of its external relations. Akrotiri was in contact with Crete but also communicated with the Greek Mainland, the Dodecanese, Cyprus, Syria and Egypt.

The town's life came to an abrupt end in the last quarter of the 17th century BC when the inhabitants were obliged to abandon it as a result of severe earthquakes. The eruption followed. The volcanic materials covered the entire island and the town itself. These materials, however, have protected up to date the buildings and their contents, similar to Pompeii.
Evidence of habitation at Akrotiri first came to light in the second half of the 19th century. However, systematic excavations were begun much later, in 1967, by Professor Spyridon Marinatos under the auspices of the Archaeological Society at Athens. He decided to excavate at Akrotiri in the hope of verifying an old theory of his, published in the 1930's, that the eruption of the Thira volcano was responsible for the collapse of the Minoan civilization. Since his death in 1974, the excavations have been continued under the successful direction of Professor Christos Doumas.
However, no one could ever prove that this island truly existed as described by many scientists and philosophers. Some support that the catastrophe of the Minoan civilization and Ancient Thera (Santorini) are strongly connected with the lost Atlantis. The first written source for the myth of Atlantis came from the Emerald Tablets Of Thoth 36,000 years ago. In modern times, the Athenian philosopher Plato (427- 437) BC, explaining that the people of Atlantis lived peacefully in a prosperous island beyond the Pillars of Hercules (in antiquity, the Pillars of Hercules were the narrow passages of Givraltar), so it is assumed that Atlantis was probably located somewhere between Europe and America, maybe in the Atlantic Ocean. However, it is doubted that such an advanced civilization, like the one described by Plato, every existed as back in the past as it is mentioned. The story of Atlantis was conveyed to Solon by Egyptian priests in one of his trips in Egypt, as says Plato. Likewise, Plato describes the story of Atlantis in his dialogues Critias and Timaeus. Among the impressive things that Solon heard from the priest was that the Atlantians originally had divine powers but gradually lost them. As they were left only with human powers, they decided to go against other prosperous islands. So, they traveled all around the Mediterranean and conquered many places, until they were defeated by the Athenians.
Eventually, the anger of the gods for the arrogance of the Atlantians lead to their punishment and vanished Atlantis in one night, leaving only masses of mud behind. As historians have noticed, the Minoan settlement of Akrotiri, discovered on the island of Santorini, was a developed settlement which was destroyed around 1,500 BC due to the strong eruption of Santorini volcano. The strength of this volcanic eruption was so powerful that the tsunami waves in the Aegean Sea reached and destroyed the Minoan settlements of northern Crete. The description of Plato for the destruction of the mythological island of Atlantis has many common points with the story of the Minoan Akrotiri, which also disappeared without leaving any trace. Assuming that Atlantis was actually Akrotiri, that was covered by the volcanic ashes of Santorini, means that the island was actually the lost Atlantis. Moreover, archaeologists point out the fact that Ancient Thera (Santorini) had a flourishing economy and the Minoans were great seafarers who carried out trade and commerce with other Mediterranean countries. Source:
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