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Entertainment is helping to bridge the gap between man and knowledge about the universe

Understanding science as one more element of culture is complicated for us. Throughout history, scientific and technological research and development have been erroneously elevated to a form that we conceive as an abstraction.

And it is from here that science is understood as a restrictive entity to which only great minds can have access. This is treated as a barrier to human progress. Great minds, applying the pragmatic standards that govern and are proven, are not necessarily reliable tools for standardizing reasoning models.

For this reason, the world of science has been, throughout modern history, restricted to a specific niche that seems to guard its productive cycle with suspicion as if it were magic gadgets.

The truth is that science is just one more block of the many that give shape to what we call life. The latter’s definition is not generalized. For this reason and with the understanding that its very nature distances it from the great audiences, it is possible to make a space for it in the same channels of dissemination that other cultural elements use.

Amid this diatribe, certain characters have existed who continue to bridge the gap between science and its accessibility for the common man. Such characters will continue to exist, who put all their effort into trying to reconcile both positions.

Under the name of scientific popularizers, names like Carl Sagan, Brian Green, Stephen Hawking, or the one that concerns us today, Neil Degrasse Tyson, they navigate discordantly among the vast collective cultural references.

If we asked why some of us have known Neil Degrasse Tyson, the answers would vary as the sectors, age ranges, and even genders that our survey covers. An icon of the geek culture of the new millennium and a character capable of polarizing opinions, something little seen for a man who comes from the purest science, Tyson is today one of those unclassifiable figures who attract reflections and whose opinion is a mandatory reference when speaking of the reason it is about.

As strange as this sounds, it was jokingly virtualized from the social network Facebook. However, what brought it to a much wider audience was the relaunch of the extraordinary television series Cosmos initially launched in the eighties by Carl Sagan and released in the second version in 2014 with Neil Degrasse Tyson.

From there, his image has become the inescapable link between science and pop culture. His pleasant personality and charisma, accompanied by his particular vision on topics such as human intelligence or the incompatible ties between faith and reason, attract equally people involved in the world of science and all those who, in principle, would not have an interest in these questions.

Similarly, we have Billy Carson, with long attributes of being an inventor, author, visionary leader, and philanthropist. If we have had reputable names in the past who brought scientific knowledge in the limelight and form available and accessible to all, we also have Carson’s example.

Carson is an expert in knowledge about ancient civilizations and aerospace history. Being a best-selling author, he holds a Certificate in Applied Neuroscience from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Now utilizing is knowledge of the cosmic world, universe, and neuroscience, Billy Carson has developed a streaming platform called “4biddenknowledge”. As the term suggests, the TV network streams cosmic knowledge and programs based on the universe's knowledge.

The streaming platform remains an absolute sensation among enthusiasts of the universe's neuroscience, aerospace, cosmology, and languages. “I have developed a streaming TV network that is designed to teach people about themselves and the universe. That my mission is to bring humanity together and to teach people that we must love one another unconditionally to advance as a civilization on this planet,” shares Billy Carson.

Knowledge about the universe and outer space helps us understand life and universal affairs that transcend us. The entire universe is as dense as one can imagine, with NASA and other space exploration and research institutions only exploring a minute level of outer space.

Much lies there, and concerning the theories relating to the truth about the universe, the universal language, the universal mind, our curious minds are constantly inquiring questions and edging closer to the reality of life and the universe.



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